Educator | Workshop Facilitator | Consultant

Mona is an educational constultant and professional development facilitator.  Mona also meets with parents who wish to discuss the social and emotional lives of their children, learning styles, academic and school related needs, as well as parenting philosophies and practices.  During these sessions, Mona provides feedback and suggestions and helps to create structures and supports for children and their families. 

Educational Philosophy

Mona feels strongly that every child has a unique learning style, and that the most effective educational approach is an individualized one that highlights the specific strengths of each child. She believes that children learn best when they are interested and engaged with material that is personally relevant, experiential, and can allow for both challenge and mastery. She carefully observes each child to determine individual learning styles, interests, and motivations, as well as developmental levels. With this information, she is able to implement an individualized approach in order to enrich and maximize each child's learning experience. Mona is also very aware of the delicate connections between learning and sense of self, and she strives to ensure that each learning experience is a positive, enriching one that allows children to feel both empowered and confident.

About Mona

Currently, Mona works with Bank Street College as a curriculum consultant for the Department of Education's Pre-K For All initiative.  She has led professional development workshops in conjunction with the partnership between Bank Street College and the Department of Education since the summer of 2014.  

Mona was a head teacher at a private nursery school in Manhattan from 2006-2015. Previously, she worked as an infant and toddler teacher.  In May 2008, she received her MSEd from Bank Street College of Education in Early Childhood Special and General Education. Her undergraduate degree is from the New School, where she majored in identity politics, psychology, and cultural studies.

Throughout her teaching career, Mona has worked with typically developing children, children with special needs, and children who have been identified as gifted and talented. She has experience working with children on the autistic spectrum, children with physical disabilities, language delays, learning disabilities, and emotional and behavioral challenges.  

Mona has returned to Bank Street as a guest speaker in graduate courses such as Early Childhood Practicum: Observing a Child Through Family/Cultural Contexts and in The Study of Children in Diverse and Inclusive Educational Settings Through Observation and Recording.  She has also worked with the Willie Mae Rock Camp For Girls, where she worked as a counselor for campers and also served as a collaborator and consultant to the camp's inclusion committee. 
